Concrete Pouring Accessories
Pouring concrete is faster and easier with WTF's concrete pouring accessories, including spray tanks and chutes.
5 Gallon Spray Tanks
60 Gallon Spray Tanks
Footing Chute

Hooks quickly and easily onto a ready-mix chute. The WTF 5' vinyl tube trunk allows direct flow in cumbersome areas. Splashing and overspills are greatly reduced, making it ideal for concrete placement in footings, piers, and flatwork. Can be modified for use with skid loader mounted concrete buckets.
Available in:
Footing Chute Complete
Footing Chute Clamp
Footing Chute Trunk Product
Footing Chute Hopper
Standard Pouring Board
Standard Chutes

WTF smooth flow aluminum chute is durable and lightweight. Our chutes are made of extruded heavy gauge aluminum and reinforced with cross beams and secured attachment chain. Available sizes: 6' - 24' on 2' increments. The aluminum chute weighs less than 5 lbs. per foot which makes it easy to handle by a single worker.