Gang Adapters Concrete Forms

- 6" wide and less than 5 1/2" deep when fully assembled.
- Has a permanent waler built into the top and bottom of the system (Patent Pending).
- Uses a tapered reusable cone with a rod tie.
- Available in Smooth, Smooth Brick, Textured Brick and VertiBrick.
- Attached wall braces, rod ties, and scaffold brackets are stored on the form.
- Simple system assembly.
- 6-12 and 8-24 hole pattern included in the siderail to allow for use of fillers and corners.
- Uses only 2 ties up to 10' tall. The ties are spaced on 42" intervals vertically.
- Dry tie available for top of form on 10' and taller walls.
- Weighs less than 7 lbs. per square foot fully assembled.
The WTF Gang Adapter enables a contractor to create gangs utilizing 36" wide aluminum concrete forms. The system can be used for 8', 9' and 10' walls and requires only two ties (spaced 42") at the Gang Adapter. The Gang Adapter allows contractors to easily transition to handset concrete forms by using the standard pin and wedge.
Assembly of the system is very simple, requiring few tools. The adapters are attached to the wall panels using locking nuts and bolts provided by WTF.

The Aligner Waler Angle is made to match desired gang lengths and is used to ensure the system is straight. The Gang Adapter allows the Waler Angle to be placed at the top and the bottom of the form. The permanent waler is built of lightweight aluminum and measures 3" x 3" x 1/2". Once assembled the gang weighs less than 7 lbs. per square foot.