Corner Forms
WTF manufactures a variety of concrete forms and accessories for different corner applications.
90° One-Piece OSC
OSC Brick with Attached Angle
OSC Attachment "W"
The OSC Attachment is used to build outside corners using fillers. Available in smooth and brick forms. Sizes are 2", 3" and 4".
Different wall thicknesses are easily achieved by utilizing different size fillers or different size attachments to form an OSC.
Here we are showing a 2” “W” with a 4” inside corner:
2"x2" OSC Attachment
3"x3" OSC Attachment
4"x4" OSC Attachment
90° Radius Corners
45° Corners
Hinged Inside Corner (HISC)

The HISC can be used across from standard fillers utilizing the 45° angle clip 45° angle clip or the HOSC to create an angled corner for bay window applications.

Our 45° angle clip with rotating pins will affix two filler panels to form outside corner opposite a hinged inside corner. Can form 35° to 55°, depending upon the tightness of wedges.
Different wall thicknesses are easily achieved by utilizing different size fillers for ISC.
These graphics represent the filler sizes that are required for the specified wall thickness:
Hinged Outside Corner (HOSC)
Eliminates as many as 13 pieces per corner when compared to using two fillers and 45° angle clips. Specify wall thickness.
Different wall thicknesses are easily achieved by utilizing different size fillers for OSC.
These graphics represent the filler sizes that are required for the specified wall thickness: